Monday, October 26, 2009

Jazz festival weekend 2009

Ok so I checked out the websites and then wandered around the city to see what exactly was going on. There was a great buzz around the place and I could hear lots of American and English accents.

Apparently, so a Cork woman told me Cork people head out of town when the whole jazz roadshow hits town. I can understand that I suppose - your city has just been invaded by loads of Jazz fans from all over the world and you would rather get out of town and just leave them to it. Anything for a quiet life!

I could hear music from my window and when I investigated it I found this band entertaining the crowds in Fitzgerald Park.

I then headed down to the main street, Patrick Street. There was a big screen set up and this is what it looked like. There was also lots of food stalls set up. One of them was roasting a full pig and they were carving it up and selling it. Not something you see everyday - I'm sorry I didn't get a photo of that!
In the evening I met up with my friend Cora and we went to McCurtain Street, that's where some of the key venues for the festival are - the Everyman Theatre and the Metropole Hotel. The Metropole was just crazy, absolutely jam packed full of people.
After a drink in the Metropole we went down to the Pavilion bar. It was really good there, pretty busy but they had live music - three musicians I think. A great end to the day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cork Jazz Festival

The Cork Jazz Festival is now in full swing. There seems to be lots of events happening all over the city. I'm going to have a look and see what I can find.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Man drowned in River Lee, Cork

I saw this little yellow boat on the River Lee one day and decided to photograph it because it looked so unusual just sitting there. I was really shocked a few days later when I heard that a 22 year old man had got into difficulty and drowned when he tried to swim out to it. He died on the night of the 29th September 2009.

It was moored on the river at Pope's Quay in the north channel of the Lee in front of St. Mary's Catholic Church by a Christian group. A very sad end to a young life.