The annual Lee Swim - a swim in Cork's river Lee - took place on Saturday 24 July 2010. About 340 people took part in it and they swam down through the city for about 2,000 meters. They drew a lot of spectators along the quays, even though they weren't very vocal in their encouragement.
When I first heard about it I immediately thought of the Jack B Yeats painting of the Liffey Swim. We had a copy of it in my parents house when I was growing up. It always seemed a bit weird to think that people actually swam in the Liffey which was always considered very polluted, but they did and they still do.
According to the ever reliable Wikipedia!!, the Cork swim seems to get a bigger number of entrants compared to the Dublin one. Not sure why that is, maybe the Dublin swim is more difficult - it's a bigger river!