Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Tall Ships - Belfast

On the 15th of August 2009 I went off up to Belfast city with my brother to see the Tall Ships. The ships which were taking place in the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge had just arrived in Belfast from Halifax in Canada. They stayed in Belfast for a few days well earned rest. You could go onboard and have a look around if you wanted, but the queues were massive - so I didn't bother.

Well the city was jam packed full of people and there was a real buzz about the place. I had been to Belfast a good few times in the past few years but never did I see the same amount of people or feel so much excitement in the city.

Lots of things were organised for visitors to the event. Amusements, foods stalls, beer tents etc, etc were set up around the docks and you could just wander around. This is a video clip of the slingshot that catapults you skywards. Somehow I don't think I would have the stomach for it!

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