Wednesday, July 29, 2009

On my travels - Aleppo (Syria)

After a day looking around the weird and wonderful Göreme in Capadocia I took a bus to Aleppo in Syria. It wasn't all plain sailing however! I took a night bus expecting to get a bit of sleep on the route, didn't really happen though. The bus made a lot of stops along the way and I had to change buses in some places. Of course the guy who sold me the ticket didn't mention anything about that!
The journey through Turkey was amazing, we seemed to be going through mountain after mountain. You can see some of the views that I saw along the way in these photos. I got to the bus station at Antakya in Turkey early in the morning and had to wait there for a few hours before the Aleppo bus left. I noticed a few other 'westerners' that looked like they would be taking the same bus, but didn't engage with them. The bus left on time and we got to the Turkey - Syria border after a while. Had to get off and get a stamp in the passport - no problem. Arrived at the Syria border control office and I can only describe what happened as SURREAL.

I had no visa to enter Syria, but had read somewhere that I shouldn't have any problems getting in. We (me and the other foreigners) were brought into the office of a big fat general who was eating his breakfast. He asked us where we came from, filled out some form and stamped it. We then went to a counter outside where they stamped the form and we were asked for money for the visa. I was ripped off, as they were looking for $ US dollars which I didn't have. I paid in € Euros and got hardly anything back in the change. Then we went back to the generals' office and money changed hands, but in such a comic way to seem as if I taking part in an amateur play or I was watching a really bad movie being played out. Got to the hostel which was near where the bus let us off and had to have a shower to wash away the dust of travel.

First impressions of Syria - it's not as developed as Turkey. Yes they have motorways in Syria, but the houses along the road look like shacks and it seems to be a poorer country. Aleppo seems to be a big, busy city, a bit dirty and polluted. But I like the place, it's got something about it.

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