So, I left Budapest on this train at 23.00 and passed through the border with Serbia at about 02.00 - it seemed to take a very long time to sort things out, so was stopped there for ages.
It started to get bright between 04.00 and 04.30
and I couldn't really sleep because of the light and it was starting to get pretty warm too.
I got to Belgrade at 07.00 and had to change trains there. The thing I boarded was ancient and in pretty bad shape. The train journey through Serbia was slow but that meant that I got to see lots.
The country seems to have lots of silos - real big concrete yokes. They seem to be all over the place too. It looked like they have lots of heavy industry also - I mean massive big compounds with big factories and chimney stacks and all.
Small boxy cars seem to be the order of the day in the countryside. Probably the only you can buy - if you can buy that is.
The train stopped at lots of stations and whenever the train passed even the tiniest station along the line, the station master (I suppose) was outside their station standing to attention in their uniform to welcome the train.
Serbia seems to be a mountainous country and that's why we passed through lots and lots of tunnels - was a little SCARY at times, because the lights were not working - so when you enter a tunnel the compartment is pitch black!
Serbia seems to be a mountainous country and that's why we passed through lots and lots of tunnels - was a little SCARY at times, because the lights were not working - so when you enter a tunnel the compartment is pitch black!
The train passed through the border with Bulgaria (who's in the EU) and stopped for the passport check. Next stop Sofia, Bulgaria.
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