Monday, August 3, 2009

Food in Damascus

Did you ever wonder what they eat in Syria? Well here you can see what I got for breakfast in the hostel I stayed in in Damascus. As you can see it includes a black coffee, apricots, olives, humus, tomato, cucumber, a boiled egg, bread, butter and jam. It was a pretty nice way to start the day.

This is a photo of a rooftop restaurant that we went to in Damascus. Ben, the American from our hostel was able to recommend this place from a previous visit. This part of the restaurant is on the rooftop of the building and has some great views of the city. The food was very good and we ate salads mainly and some chicken wings? They brought us some complimentary desserts when we had finished which included water melon and some sweet fried things? Not sure what it was, but I liked it. Afterwards we went to a pub / restaurant in the Christian quarter of Damascus and had a beer and smoked some shisha.

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