Sunday, August 16, 2009

Time to spare in Sofia

The Aussie guy from the train had been to Sofia before so he knew what was what and what was where in the city. I was glad I bumped into him and that he could be my guide because the last time I was in Sofia I found it a bit grubby and was glad that I wouldn't have to hang around there.

But now fate, in the guise of the Serbian train workers strike made me stay a while in Sofia and explore the place. From these photos it looks like anywhere else in Eastern Europe that was part of the former Soviet bloc. But this place is a little different.

It's a little sad - still to this day. Even though you can see obvious signs of prosperity, regeneration and modernity when you walk around the city, it has an air of sadness about it. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting here and expecting too much from the place or what but I found the city to be a very depressing place altogether. I don't know if it's the sad and even despairing expressions on people's faces you see in the street or the crumbling buildings and paths or what, but I really didn't get a good vibe from this city.

It's like there's no hope in the place and not even a slight possibility of any hope either. I also felt as if a general air of suspicion and distrust hangs over the place and people walk around like zombies - keeping themselves to themselves and don't even attempt to acknowledge the other human beings walking past them. I went back to the train station and was thrilled to find out that the trains were working again and that I would make it to Budapest on time. Next stop - Belgrade.

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