Monday, August 17, 2009

Journey in Ireland

Well I was only a few days back from my trip around Europe when I decided to head around Ireland and see a few sights. My brother Brian came with me and we visited Co. Sligo, Co. Donegal and Co. Mayo. On our way home we travelled through Derry city and stayed a night in Ballintoy, Northern Ireland before returning to Dublin.

This sturdy old building in the centre of Sligo is Sligo Abbey and it's hundreds of years old.

While in Co. Sligo you can't help but notice Ben Bulben which hangs over the place like a big brother.

We drove out to Rosses Point where you can get an amazing view of the coast and beyond.

We also drove past the Lake Isle of Innisfree, that was made famous by the WB Yates poem of the same name. It's in a very isolated place and you reach it by going down little bohereens. It was very quiet and peaceful when we went there.

In Donegal we stayed in a really nice new youth hostel at the foot of Mount Errigal. We tried to climb the mountain but because of the approaching rain we had to give up. I would loved to have climbed up to the top, but I have to say we got a good view from where we stopped.

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